Should College Be Free Essay

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Have you ever thought about what would happen if college is free? It does not sound very pleasant to me. This is a pretty big thing to be worried about. It could cause some big problems that might not just affect the students. It could affect the every taxpayer in the United States in a bad way, also the job world. I do not think that college education should be free for everyone. There would be no golden ticket to any job college, it still technically wouldn't be free, students might also take there very valuable college education less seriously causing problems for them and others.
My first reason is that if college education was free there wouldn't be that golden ticket to any job college. What I mean by that is right now we have those high level colleges like Harvard for example, but if it was free anyone could attend harvard and degrees would lose their value. The qualifications for jobs might change because to many people are eligible. Then the colleges would just keep adapting and people would just keeping adapting. It would just go up and up qualifications will go up and people will go up to them and that just sounds like a mess. That could also hurt our economy if everyone is making a significant amount. Plus if everyone is going …show more content…

Well that's because the people would have to pay extra taxes to pay for those colleges the staff, athletics, clubs, housing all of that stuff. Books also cost a lot, if those aren't already being paid by taxes which would also rise. Just think if students have to pay for living spaces thats a lot and if they don't taxpayers do and that's a lot think of all the other things besides living spaces like the ones I listed. That is a lot, try taking a calculator and calculating all that. That is a lot of money, people would start to get mad, you know people sometimes don't control their temper… protests, high powered people using there power. That does not sound good to me at