Should Colleges Be Allowed To Prepare Students For The Real World Essay

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There are some professors that believe that they should warn their students about certain topics that they will be discussing, however, there are other professors that believe they should not bend to their students “needs.” In a college environment professors have the right to talk about whatever they feel is necessary, however, when those topics include sensitive issues such as rape, racism, or violence, students might feel a sense of insecurity or tension due to past experiences that they might have inquired or even current issues. Ideally, colleges should prepare students for the real world, since nothing in the real world is sugar coated, then it should be expected that colleges have no filter when discussing certain topics. In real world no topic is considered sensitive, for example, if you become a psychologist you will have to listen to your clients issues and you cannot tell your patient that …show more content…

There are some professor that will bend over backwards, to please their students as if the students were the “customers” and the professors were “the waiters.” Those professor will alter their syllabus to fit their students agenda. When students are given the list of topics that they will be covering, then the professor should not regulate that they will teach even if it is a sensitive topic, students should be able to deal with the pressure of discussion with those topics. If professor were to use trigger words then the students will use the topic that they might be discussing that day as excuse because it’s a delicate topic to them. However, what happens if some people claim it’s a sensitive topic when it actually isn’t? How can we dictate who is actually skipping class because they do not feel like showing up and who is not coming to class because it actually makes them feel