Should Driving Age Be Raised Essay

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In many states across the nation 16 is the legal driving age. When a teen gets their license, Parents let go of the restraints they have had on their children since they were born; 16 year olds are young and free to do whatever they choose to do on the road. This has been this way in many places for over 50 years. There has been lots of controversy surrounding the driving age recently. Many people believe that the driving age should be raised; Others believe that the driving age should stay as it is. The driving age is an appropriate age for driving. The driving age of 16 is an appropriate age to begin driving. Recent studies have shown that certain parts of the brain are not finished growing until some minors reach their …show more content…

Allowing teens to drive at the age of 16 allows teens to travel to new places and in some cases even develop some responsibility. Teens who drive are able to go to jobs and such where they can get real world experience and develop some responsibility. Allowing teens to drive at the age of 16 is also very convenient for everyone. After 16 years of lugging their child back and forth parents are finally given a break. One driving expert recalled,” “We have parents who are pretty much tired of chauffeuring their kids around, and they want their children to be able to drive.” Teens lives are very hectic and require lots of traveling back and forth from places. After years of having to take their kids back and forth from place to place parents are tired of it. Having the driving age at 16 allows teens to travel as they need to without interrupting the lives of others, like their parents. The driving age makes everyone's lives easier and its convenient. Raising the driving age would make many peoples lives hectic and would cause chaos among many peoples schedules. Parents would be forced to lug their teens around, and their lives would be interrupted. The driving age should not be