Should Illegal Immigrants Stay In America Essay

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Thesis: Illegal immigrants should not be able to stay in America
I. Illegal Immigrants have a significant increases on our population.
A. The Census reports that the population by the year 2050 will be 459 million. That is an increase of nearly 33 percent over the last four decades. And that is caused by illegal immigrants reproducing.
B. With this increase in population food sources will become scarce. America need approximately one acre of land in order to produce food for a necessary diet. America has two billion acres of land but, the problem is all of that cannot be accessed an example of this is Alaska. Alaska has more than three hundred million acres that cannot be accessed due to weather conditions. So if we cannot control the illegal immigrant population our resources will be threatened.

II. Illegal …show more content…

I’m talking about the youth ages (16-24) and even the adults of this country. I want to convince the people that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to stay in America. I will give various amount of examples in order to show the people of America things they may or may not have known about illegal immigration. As a legal American citizen I feel that illegal immigrants cause too much of an issue in America and need to leave and apply for citizenship.
Annotated Bibliography "Sprawl, Congestion, and Farmland." Sprawl, Congestion, and Farmland. Web. 01 Apr. 2016.
This source is about the statistics of the future growth in the US population. This source uses the census in order to prove this. This source also provides information about the amount of land that can be accessed in the US. I will use this source to argue that Illegal immigrants are increasing the population which is hurting us. "Immigration Is Hurting The American Youth." Immigration Is Hurting The American Youth. Web. 01 Apr.