Should Shakespeare Be Taught In Schools Essay

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Shakespeare According to Bill white “Shakespeare should not be included in the 9th grade curriculum as it is not clear how it is relevant and very often it does not make sense to most readers in the 9th grade”. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but there's a steady argument about whether it should be taught to 9th graders. It is not clear how effective the writings of Shakespeare can be to teach various concepts in high school and relate themes to modern day language. Teenagers are drawn to more action than what Romeo and Juliet engaged in and other Shakespeare movies or plays tend to be rather boring. Almost all of the problems teaching Shakespeare in an english classroom today are kids don't seem to understand or comprehend the literature from several centuries ago. Adults that were exposed to Shakespeare and other authors seemed to grasp it well and it was a staple in high school curriculum. Just as with most issues or topics throughout the world, Shakespeare has fans that …show more content…

An argument can be made that students of today should have the easiest time to research Shakespeare themes, phrases and definitions. However, students do not always see researching items on Google and on the Internet as an effective resource. It is true that we have phones, tablets, laptops and other personal devices that are constantly connected to the Internet. To the contrary, students want to read and process information and literature so that the flow creates a sense of accomplishment. The frustration of not understanding the settings, the phrases, the words and the suicidal themes turns off 9th grade students due to no connection to Romeo and Juliet. It is similar to the analysis provided earlier about seeing the plays and musicals in person to appreciate their true message and