Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And Catcher In The Rye

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We are making decisions every second, and emotions are always involved, but too much is not right. Making emotional decisions leads to negative outcomes. From The Catcher in the Rye written by J. D. Salinger and Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, we learnt that making decisions with only emotion is fast, but it is not thought enough; often based on bias opinion; and the result is not considered. Making decision with emotions is too fast that it is not thoughtful enough. The logic part of the factors is often not included. In The Catcher in the Rye, when Holden decided to fight Stradlater, he didn’t think before he did it because he was under the hatred emotion of what Stradlater might have done with Jean. Sometime, the decision …show more content…

Just like when you decide where to eat, you will most likely based on what you like to eat more than the price, but is it the best is another question. Always against something when making a decision is not a good thing. In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden is always against phonies, which is responsible for him not being able to make friends and have trouble with other people throughout the story. Making decision based on bias without understanding the situation will cause a lot of trouble. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, “O, he’s lovely gentlemen.” Referring to Paris, indicates that the Nurse told Juliet to marry Paris and forget about Romeo because she favor Paris. Ignored the fact that Juliet was in love and married Romeo. This led to losing Juliet’s trust and might have avoided the tragedy with more people knowing what was happening or helping. A quotation from Romeo and Juliet shows us how not to interfere with decision with personal opinion, “Some shall be pardoned, and some shell be punished.” (IV, III, 315) Despite the Prince lost his kinsmen, Paris, he still judge according to the law to put an end to the tragedy as nether the Montague and Capulet was responsible for the tragedy except those who hid Romeo and Juliet’s marriage and Friar Laurence was also not responsible because of his service. Bias opinion often lead to emotional decision and eventually a bad outcome, therefore, we must consider all the factors to