Simulation Reflection Paper

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The simulation provided me with an interactive way to gain insight as to how a United Nations negotiation functions by challenging myself to play the role of a United Nations stakeholder. The simulation experience impacted me most during simulation preparation, where I was required to research to research Kenyan laws, interactions with other stakeholders, where I was required to discuss goals and make compromises on proposed indicators, and the indicator voting process, where I was required to analyze proposed indicators to decide if Kenya would support the indicator. Through the process of preparing for the simulation, interactions with other stakeholders, and the voting process I was able to learn about the United Nations and how negotiation …show more content…

It was challenging and exciting to compromise on proposed indicators and changed my perspective on the amount of work that goes into the process of international negotiations. During the negotiation process, I found myself having to refer to my notes and was able to realize the extraordinary amount of information a stakeholder must know during the international negotiation process. Not only is a stakeholder responsible for being knowledgeable on their own government's stance on the proposed indicators, but they must also have a working understanding of where other stakeholders stand on the proposed indicators. This realization changed my perspective on the work that must go into the international negotiation process as I was not aware of the extraordinary extent of information that a United Nations stakeholder must memorize. My learning experience on United Nations negotiations was particularly enhanced by in-class discussing periods that allowed me to negotiate proposed indicators with other stakeholders in person, rather than online, as the interaction required me to be knowledgeable on Kenya’s stance on the proposed indicators. I highly recommend more of these negotiation periods as they allow more time for students to learn about not only other groups stances on proposed indicators but allows students to interact with the information they have learned. Through in-class negotiations, my learning experience was enriched by interacting with the proposed indicators during discussions with other stakeholders, effectively providing me with information as to how United Nations negotiations function and the extent of the information the negotiators must

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