Six Strategies For Teaching English Language Learners

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Effective instruction is needed to be implemented in every content area. Not only would it be extremely helpful for ELLs, but also to students in general. ELL students have a lot going on when it comes to their education. Not only they have to learn the language, they also need to learn the different content areas in a different language. But that doesn’t mean that teachers should forget to teach them all the areas and only focus on what is going to be tested. This is something that has been happening for a while now, teachers focus more on the areas that are going to be tested instead of focusing on all the areas that they are supposed to be instructing. In addition, with proper instruction students be able to learn the content areas along with learning the language (Wright 263). According to my textbook Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners, claims that the best way for students to learn the language while simultaneously learning the language is by placing the students into a bilingual …show more content…

Students would be able to understand the material if they knew what they were reading. Another way students might learn is by using graphic organizers, simplifying the language, even reading the material out loud. Also, according to the article called “Six Strategies for Teaching ELLs across the Content Areas”, claims that teachers should determine the content and language objectives for each lesson (Haynes). Furthermore, connecting with a student’s background also helps when introducing any kind of material. Making connections is very supplemental to helping students connect the material to real life situations. It’s hard for students to understand an assignment when they can’t make a connection to what they are reading. There are many ways to help students, it’s only a matter of the teachers using those strategies to help the