Sky Was The Colour Of Cat Vomit Analysis

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1. “The early summer sky was the colour of cat vomit” (1)
(Diction) I like how the author uses the word cat vomit to start the story. I think that the sentence draws the reader's attention, much like an opening sentence should. When I read this sentence the first thing that came to my mind was that whoever is thinking this must be very negative. Instead of using a pleasant word to start the novel, right away the author uses a repulsive word that makes you want to keep reading. Why would anyone relate the sky to cat vomit? It makes me wonder what the world is like? Why would the main character be so negative over something so simple? Maybe the character is not negative, they just have a gloomy sense of humour? These two words that the …show more content…

In media and society, people think the image of a person is all that matters. The book revolves around if you're wearing the right thing; if you're doing what is popular, and if you act the way everyone else is acting. People don't care what your personality is or if you can figure out a simple math equation, all they care about is what your face and body look like. The sentences connect to me because just like the main characters in the book, we as teens have a lot of stress about how we look. If someone were to say something that was not “cool” or “right” they feel uncomfortable and feel they don't belong. Many people in the world today and in the book are cast out because they don't match what society thinks they should. On television, in movies, on signs, everywhere people are told they should be better. This quote that the main character states is exactly what the media wants you to think. People from all over believe that they have to change who they are, so that others will like them. In the text, it says “look like a real person,” in this novel the main character believes that since she isn't gorgeously beautiful, she isn't a real person. However we are all real people, no matter what we look like. We all have minds of our own and should feel free to say what we think and do what we love. People feel that they aren’t good enough, whereas the truth is, we are all perfect in …show more content…

During my reading, I wondered why they have to have an operation when they are 16 to become beautiful? I understand that in the book the world used to be like our world today, with no operation, and no separate places for uglies and pretties. However the government of the city apparently assumed that making them all look gorgeous will stop people from feeling like they don't belong. It would stop racism and bullying. Another question I have is why do they have a place for uglies and a separate place for pretties? I predict this is because the pretty people want nothing to do with the children who are considered ugly. They want to forget about them so they can focus on the perfect world that they live in now. I wonder why, would they solve this problem of people judging and not including others by changing the way they look? Possibly, because they feel it is the only way to make people equal. One of the main characters presents a question during this novel and it is “How about making them smarter?” I too believe that making them smarter and informing them would be better than changing them altogether. I don't understand why people should have to change just so others will accept them. I believe the people who don't include everyone should be the ones to change. Everyone should be free to be who they are. Another question I have is

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