Slavery And State Rights Essay

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The different views on Slavery and State Rights posed strains between both the South and North. Slavery was legal in the South but not in the North which created great conflict when it came to slave societies which are completely built on slavery, fugitive slaves, abolitionists and territorial expansion. Fugitive slaves were slaves who ran away from the South to the North in search of freedom. This was a big issue because when they would run away they were still considered a slave and would be captured and brought back. Northerners would have to see these runaway slaves being captured and being taken away from their newly formed lives. This upset the Northerners because they did not like the idea of slavery therefore this made them feel compelled to get involved, some even became abolitionists! In this case, an abolitionist favored the abolition of slavery which made the Southerners very mad. John Brown is an example of a very well-known abolitionist who wanted to completely eradicate slavery. He led a body of people to invade Harpers Ferry, a federal armory, in hopes of creating a slave revolt using all the weapons stolen. This made the North very happy and the South scared because they knew that Brown’s body of people wanted them dead. Lastly, with the election of President …show more content…

There are many issues that brought on the Civil War but Slavery took the biggest part in it. During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in the Confederate states still in rebellion. Not only did it free the enslaved, but it allowed them to be able to enlist in the Union Army. However, the enslaved were only to be granted this freedom if the Union Army wins and of course if they survived the war. Unfortunately, the Emancipation Proclamation did not abolish slavery, instead only helped get closer to the goal of abolishing

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