
Sleep Vs School Start Time Essay

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School Start Time VS Sleep

Education in the 21st century poses young adolescents the wonderful advantage of hoping on the fast track to college and employment. Pay-free instruction and tutoring are just a few examples of the progress our nation’s education system has made. Teens across the country acknowledge this moment and grasp it with all their might but one recurrent issue hinders them all, sleep and fatigue. Teens need more sleep because a healthy average is between eight to ten hours, increased rest time possesses various benefits, and 60% of students under the age of 18 persistently complain of fatigue during school.

Experts around globe have scientifically proven that teens need more rest. The mighty force opposing this data would be the thousands of school districts that provide the education. The battle will certainly be a difficult one to proceed victoriously but the evidence is staring us face-to-face, benefits will drastically outweigh the negatives. Studies recently conducted by the National Sleep Foundation revealed that 60% of schooling teens are severely sleep deprived. Asking any high school student will result in them informing you that they’re attempting to function off three or less hours of rest, that shouldn’t be happening. While there’s no solution that will eternally cure this complication, many school districts are strongly encouraging the …show more content…

Any less and performance quality throughout the day will suffer. High school students only average a measly five and a half of sleep per night, which results in the inability to focus during class. One study found that only 15% of teens reported sleeping eight and a half hours on school nights. These numbers support the claim that start times need to occur later in the day. Reaching recommended hours of rest not only increases mental well being but physical as

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