Social Cognitive Manifestations Of Specific Learning Disabilities Essay

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An Evaluation of the Social-Cognitive Manifestations of Specific Learning Disabilities
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An Evaluation of the Social-Cognitive Manifestations of Specific Learning Disabilities
Social-Cognitive Manifestations Specific learning disabilities are usually manifested through various social and cognitive aspects that can be used to shed light into the common emotional, behavioral, and cognitive difficulties that students often experience. Various research studies have investigated the different social and cognitive manifestations of specific learning disabilities. Anxiety and depression are two manifestations of learning disabilities that have been extensively looked at. Ashraf & Najam (2015). Anxiety and depression has been observed to cause tremendous psychological distress son children and adolescents with learning disabilities thereby impacting on their abilities to deal with new challenges and opportunities. …show more content…

The study noted that a huge majority of children with major depressive disorders also had severe learning disabilities and so established that there is a major causal relationship between major depressive disorders and learning disability. Depression exacerbates learning problems and so it can be used as an indicator of learning disability. On the flip side, anxiety was also established to be closely interrelated with learning disability. Sahoo, Biswas, & Padhy (2015) stated that students with learning disabilities experience fundamental neuropsychological or psychological deficits that hinders their abilities to perform well in academic areas thereby creating anxieties. It was also determined that children who had learning disabilities had increased rates of phobic and mood disorders which are basically

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