Social Location Research Paper

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There is an assortment of social factors that make up a person’s social location. They bring to bear an effect on every person’s development as an individual. Social location can be defined as the groups people belong to because of their place or position in society. The three factors that have contributed the most to my social location are my social class, race, and gender. These things have shaped my life experiences in the United States.
Social Class is a significant aspect in determining ones social location because it places people into groups. My social class has affected my social location greatly because I’ve been granted with the essential resources to excel in life. I would consider myself a part of the middle class, due to my dad’s success in the business field. He is currently employed at Kellogg’s and makes over 100k a year. I grew up in a nice neighborhood in Tinley Park. Since my dad was doing pretty well for himself. He could afford to buy us a lot of nice stuff and spend money on things like vacations and sports. Because of my dad’s success he was …show more content…

Being a male in today’s society has many advantages. There is a stigma saying that they will perform better at work. Females will be paid an average of 78 cents to a man’s dollar. Men can walk anywhere they want without having to worry about being raped or sexually harassed. My masculinity was tested at its finest when a kid from my High School started harassing a girl that I liked. We were walking to class together and this guy out of nowhere started touching her butt. She immediately grabbed my arm and told me to tell him to stop. So of course I told him to stop because that was creepy. But he did it again and the girl I liked looked very uncomfortable so I punched him in the face. Even though walking away from the situation and telling a teacher would have been the best decision, I was not going to let him touch my girl like

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