Social Norm Analysis

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The social norm I chose to violate was scaring others at a haunted house; while many people were expecting to be scared, they were not expecting to be scared by somebody that they saw standing in line next to them. This occurred Tuesday the 20th of October around the hours of 2030 and 2100 at the Frightmare Compound with some friends and strangers that were around. I walked around with my group scaring them at moments just before the actors scared them. I also chose to scare a few other people that I did not know that were in other groups which may have not been the best choice as explained later on. I chose to violate the norm which was not to scare others because it is simply not a nice thing to do as my parents brought me up in a way to …show more content…

I felt anxious just before I would come up from behind somebody and then just as I was scaring them I would feel excitement and fear as I did not know what their reactions would be. For one of my friends after a few times they told me that they would punch me in the face if I scared her again; although, I did not listen to her and continued to scare her which was alright for me as she did not actually retaliate which I was glad did not happen. Another person was scared and screamed at first however laughed it off and continued on their way. One of the other people that I chose to scare was not amused and told me that if I did anything like that again that he would personally come see me in hell. The reactions that I got were a mix of good and bad as most of the people were alright with what I was doing although they found it strange as in any other context besides a haunted house I probably would not have gotten any pleasant reactions. A few of the negative reactions were frightening as I did not know what to expect from many of them. Even though they were at a haunted house to be scared, they did not want to be scared by the people that they were standing with in line as they waited to go in. Many times throughout I came fairly close to getting hit by my friends and others that I did not know as they became annoyed when they saw that they were not scared by one of the actors as I was both positively and negatively sanctioned in a few