Space Pilot Dead Analysis

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Utopian fiction depicts the portrayal of an ideal state that to a great extent serves as a vehicle for the satirical criticism of human life and the author’s contemporary society. Plato’s dialogue The Republic, through the subtle use of satire, provides an obscure critique of Athenian society. Thomas More’s work of fiction Utopia indirectly comments on Tudor England through the satirical discourse between Raphael and More. Episode “Space Pilot 3000” of Matt Groening’s satirical sitcom Futurama offers a mordant criticism of American society through the retrofuturistic portrayal of an advanced utopian future. Thus, the satirical portrayal of Utopia serves as a manifestation of the composer’s contextual concerns.
Socrates, through the mouthpiece …show more content…

This is reflected in Groening’s critique of the career obsessed culture internal to American society, portrayed through the illustration of a poster depicting a worker beneath the mantra of “You gotta do what you gotta do.” The mantra highlights the individual’s obligation to complete affairs accredited to them, whereas the juxtaposition of the worker’s thumbs up against his crestfallen expression satirizes the predominant career occupied lifestyle within American society. Additionally, the late 1990’s in America was domineered by prejudice, often charged by racial tension and contentious immigration legislation. Groening comments on the rising xenophobia within American society through the illustration of a local scoffing at Fry’s inability to adjust to the future, regarding him as a “tourist.” Groening’s portrayal of a prejudiced local mocks this ignorant xenophobic mindset within American society. Moreover, Groening voices criticism of American society through Leela’s vindication of Fry’s antics, where she asserts a patronizing tone to plea that “he’s just a poor kid from the stupid ages.” Her ridicule of Fry creates satire, elucidating the discrepancy between American society and Groening’s retrofuturistic depiction of civilization in the 31st century. Thus, Groaning’s whimsical portrayal of an advanced future aids him in addressing his contextual