Spotlight On Management Answers

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Complete Name: Unit 5 Student Name: Grooms, Carrie

1. Read `Spotlight on Management` on pages 177-190 and the practice lesson `The Real World` on page 191. Please discuss the following questions in detail. Your response to each question should consist of: a minimum word count of 250 words and at least three (3) scholarly sources (1 resource can be the textbook):

2. The situation described in the practice lesson on page 191 was Kelly's first occurrence giving corrective feedback to an employee. List the components that will …show more content…

Positive and meaningful corrective feedback are essential for employees to have good self esteem after being given a correction from their supervisor. Decide if corrective feedback is necessary and if it will help the employee or hurt them. Decide what should be said to the employee and how it should be said. Decide how and when the feedback should be given. Decide how to handle the employees response to the correction. Supervisors think they give good feedback but research shows that employees do not believe that they get enough. Effective feedback should improve the quality of the employees work and performance. Find out after the the correction if the employee has any questions about what has been said and be ready for a response to the questions. (Latting, 1992). Feedback should be meaningful and encouraging. It does not need to be long and drawn out. Encourage the employee to do their best. Give assessments on their progress at another time and be encouraging with growth. If you see the employee do something good then comment positively about it. Choose the right time and place to give feedback. It needs to be at the time of the action, not at a later time where it could be forgotten. People get their feelings hurt by criticism so send the person away feeling like they can correct this action and that you believe they will do …show more content…

Employees need positive feedback sometimes from their supervisors. These positive affirmations keep employees motivated to do well because they will see that what they do well gets noticed. Having a supervisor appraise your performance makes the work load easier to handle and makes employees want to contribute more to their task. The customer service will be lacking if the employee does not feel a part of an overall team. They are also not as likely to keep their job for an extended period of time. If they are not happy they may begin to look elsewhere for employment opportunities. They are more likely to be rude to customers and other employees. This can affect the attitudes of the other employees that work around them. Once an attitude is created, it is hard to change. This bad attitude could make it so that the supervisor does not want to have much interaction with this employee. This is a state of mind that has been created by the employee and does not change overnight. The bad mood can put everyone in a bad mood because of the attitude that gets passed around. Creative thinking is harder to achieve because there is too much focus on negativity. This employee may be more likely to stand around and gossip. Negativity can bleed into many ares of work performance. (Evenson, 2012). referenceEvenson, R. (2012). Customer service management