
Standardized Testing Synthesis Essay

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“Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America?” ProCon, 31 Jan. 2017, https://standardizedtests.procon.org/. This source includes data, which is separated in two sections, pros and cons, of standardized testing. It addresses both sides of the main argument. The information in the source is defended by multiple studies and reports corresponding to the standardized education movement.
I chose this source because it provides many statistics and facts relating to the topic. It is expository and analytical. This will help those answering my synthesis question because it provides them factual information which they can use to support their side. The source is reliable and addresses multiple complexities of the overall issue of standardized education.
Liss, Jerald M. “Creative Destruction and Globalization: The Rise of Massive Standardized …show more content…

10, no. 4, 2013, pp. 557-570. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=89802340&site=ehost-live This academic journal researches standardized education platforms. Jerald Liss, the author, discusses the good and bad sides of it. Liss concludes that with the help of such platforms, people around the world can interact easily. Liss also concludes that standardized education only gived objective knowledge to students and not subjective knowledge.
I chose this academic journal as one of my sources because it is factual and created with a lot of research on the topic. This source is expository and very reliable because it contains information retrieved from research conducted by the author, and it addresses more than one complexity. This is a reason why it will be useful to someone answering the question.
“Opting Out of Standardized Tests Isn’t the Answer.” The New York Times, 14 Aug. 2015,

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