Standardized Vs Standardized Testing Essay

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Testing and assessment have a strong influence on the lives, careers and success of many students, teachers and schools. Subsequently the importance of test throughout the school system has risen. Nevertheless it is very important that everyone involves in the education process work cooperatively in order to provide an effective and efficient education to particularly assure learner’s achievement. Decisions taken within and by schools influence the opportunities of their students and of even greater importance is the information obtained from the results of standardized and non-standardized examinations across the nation. Notably this is why it is essential that teachers continuously use assessments to determinate the needs of …show more content…

The standardized assessment will be delivered and evaluated in a uniform way. When a test is administrated, examination supervisors must follow the same directions, conditions, amount of time and rating method. Usually, both standardized and non-standardized test have their own advantages and disadvantages. Standardized examinations are fairer and quantifiable, seek to estimate the measurable, rely on easily calculable data, like multiple-choice problems. Some of the common standardized tests used across the country are the ACT, SAT, GRE used for many college admission and other purposes like aptitude, achievement, program evaluation, accountability, selection and placement. This type of test measure student’s performance at the same level of difficulty and controlled environment. States and policymakers use data from it to accurately provide funds and compare the success or failure of students, teachers and schools. By measuring the test results of standardized assessments school leaders can evaluate which instructors need to make changes and renovate their instructional approaches. On the other