Why Is Standardized Testing Essential

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Standardized Testing is Essential You enter your classroom to take the most anticipated test of your school life. You have spent hours studying and preparing for the test. Even though it may have been the most dreaded test you’ve ever taken, it’s important. After you get your scores back a smile runs across your face as you see how well you did. Standardized testing is a type of testing that requires students to answer the same types of questions, are corrected the same, and are administered across a broad area. Standardized testing is used all across America because of how effective and practical it is to compare scores. Standardized testing is crucial because it is exempt from discrimination, it prepares students for the future, and it …show more content…

According to the article, “Don’t Believe the Hype: Standardized Tests Are Good for Children, Families and Schools,” written by Latasha Gandy, states, “Standardized test scores are now broken down by student race and income. This allows everyone—including teachers, parents and policymakers—to see how inequitable our schools are. If you’ve heard of what’s commonly called the “achievement gap”—the shocking difference in educational outcomes between white students and students of color—you probably have standardized tests to thank.” This means that as result of standardized testing, the public has been able to address an underlying issue about how our society is not as egalitarian as we want it to be. Due to standardized tests, schools are being held accountable for low scores. As a result of standardized testing, students are given the exact same questions which ultimately …show more content…

Standardized testing is a measurement tool that provides many advantages for students, parents, teachers, schools, and the government. According to the article, “Colombia.edu,” it elicits, “Standardized testing gives teachers guidance to help them determine what to teach students and when to teach it. The net result is less wasted instructional time and a simplified way of timeline management...Standardized testing is typically accompanied by a set of established standards or instructional framework which provide teachers with guidance for what and when something needs to be taught.” This expresses that standardized tests provide teacher’s valuable information about the student’s academic skills. With this data, teachers can accommodate to that student’s needs which conclusively leads to a more productive and effective way of teaching. Standardized testing also ensures that the level of teaching content is consistent; which means that a 5th grade teacher won’t be instructing 3rd grade material. In brief, standardized tests helps schools to improve. In addition, standardized testing displays how a school honestly is performing. In the article, “From a Consumer Perspective Briefings on Educational Research From Education Consumer Network,” states, “Given that schools have substantial incentives to maintain a favorable public impression, an absence