Star Wars A New Hope Analysis

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Star Wars: A New Hope compare and contrast Zoe O’Brien A long time ago... In a galaxy far, far away. "Star Wars: A New Hope" (Lucas, 1977) is a slightly serious movie, about the struggle to salvage what is left of a broken government. Movie posters from "Star Wars: A New Hope" illustrate the Rebel Alliance's deadlock with the formidable Sith Lords, the evil counterpart to the Rebels, to commandeer the freedom of their galaxy, the posters are similar and different because of the facial expressions, the events, and the background. The most noticed element of movie posters is facial expressions. The facial expressions of the characters in both movie posters present different points of view. In the first poster the characters are confused. The characters are confused because of the rapid turn of events, and spasmodic attacks from the Sith (Lucas, 1977). In the second poster the characters are concentrating. They are concentrating on protecting their friends and their alliances. In both posters the facial expressions help set the tone of the …show more content…

These events give the audience a taste of what is to come. In the first poster there are two different types of spaceships flying around and chasing one another. Along with the suspense and the concentration, the ships add excitement knowing that one of the characters could be in one of the ships in distress. In the second poster there is only one type of ship flying around the characters and the Death Star dividing the characters symbolising the effect the Sith has on the characters. The two types of ships in the first poster and the one type of ship in the second poster create different tones. In the first poster the feeling comes across as dangerous and tense but the second posters feeling is somewhat deeper, that the events go deeper into the story. The posters both create different feelings so that audiences can get different perspectives from the