Starbucks Codes And Conventions

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Modern branding techniques have turned the modern population into zombies. These zombies are in search of one thing. It isn't food it's their favorite brands latest product and or cause. The puppet masters have been manipulating these puppets for years. Millions of consumers are stuck on a string. The following scenario is an example of the global epidemic. It's cold out and a group of people are hungry. They decide to eat at their favorite fast food restaurant. The American company is extremely popular in their country. Locals love it despite the language barrier. Like many foreigners they instantly recognize the logo. An ability that can be attributed to branding. Logos aren't fenced in by a language barrier. They're completely universal. They serve as a secret code. The modern day hieroglyphics are plastered all over the planet. Followers of their presence are obsessed with the companies and logos. Many …show more content…

The coffee giant opened their first international store in 1996. There are now more than 21,000 Starbucks stores in 65 different countries. That's a lot of brand loyal customers. Starbucks isn't the only major brand with a global presence. McDonald's and Apple also have a significant international presence. Proving that brand loyalty is capable of crossing borders. The art of branding is a gigantic puppet show. With the supporters serving as marinates. Depending on who's operating the string affects the results. Sizable donations often give the show a larger audience. The form of currency doesn't always have to be money. Popular causes generally attract large amounts of attention from puppets. The Koch Brothers are and have utilized their money to shape politics. Combined the brothers are worth over $80 billion. Koch funded groups such as the Tea Party movement rely on branding. Their puppets are known for creating large protest rallies. The latest Koch brother invention Citizen United is even more brand