Statement Of Purpose: Boys And Girls Club

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“Great futuRes start” is a phrase commonly referred to when you think of all the positive thing Boys and girls club have done for American throughout the US.I began attending Haven acres Boys and Girls Club for the past 6 years. The Boys and Girls club experience has been very beneficial and positive to my lifestyle, by teaching me proper human relationship skills communications skills, life and ethic skills. It has also helped me academically and also by develop leadership skills. The Club's programs have taught me many things. Some of the things the club has taught and allowed me to experience. One the most recent programs is CYDC, Community Youth career Development . CYDC is a youth career program that offer jobs to a few teenagers like me and also provide clubs with technology and tutors needed to help others kid in the club. This program has provided me a Job that is preparing me for the work force. This program has also given me an opportunity to work on my acedemic skill with tutor ready to help me in any way possible. …show more content…

I am frommer officer of keystone and torch club. Keystone is a program to help the community and things around the Club. Even though I am an no longer a member of Keystone, I still participate in community clean ups and work in the garden with torch club. Torch club is very similar to keystone but for kids younger then 13 we often do dosome of the same things. Keystone has taught me leadership skills and showed me why it’s beneficial to volunteer and how it improves your surroundings, and community when you volunteer. It also gave me a feeling of completing