Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

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Stem cells are non-specialized cells that have the capability to mature into more specified cells to help with certain functions or diseases. There are three main categories of stem cells. Embryonic, Fetal and Adult. Since the beginning of stem cell research there have always been opposing viewpoints. Many view the issue of stem cell research as morally wrong and a crime against humanity. Others view the study of stem cells as the next step in modern science. The most common debate of this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are an important issue for society because stem cell research seeks to improve and lengthen human life. As medical advancements are made, humans become healthier, as a result, their life expectancy rises. Researchers in the field of stem cell research believe that this will be the future of medicine. They also believe stem cells will be the cure to all the debilitating diseases and health issues of today. These health issues include Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer and nerve damage. Stem cells are a compelling issue for me because as a health care …show more content…

After many doctors’ visits and testing, he was diagnosed with Early Onset Dementia which I later discovered would eventually lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a complex disease that affects nerve cells in many parts of the brain, making effective treatment very challenging. I then began doing research on Alzheimer’s disease and I came across the research on stem cells. I found that studies are examining ways to produce more neurotrophins in Alzheimer patients’ brain. No stem cell treatments have currently improved Alzheimer’s disease but positive effects have been seen with neural stem cell transplants given to mice with a disease similar to Alzheimer’s. Researchers are still studying how stem cells might help repair the