Persuasive Essay: The Power Of Stem Cells

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The Power of Stem Cell Research
Cancer, heart attacks, diseases, strokes, blindness, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries: the thought of those can make anybody upset. They ruin lives of the sufferers and their families. People would do anything humanly possible to help those who suffer from the incurable, right? The understanding and use of stem cells could bring light to the dark days for those living with the horrible diseases. Stem cell research is lifesaving because the new cells can give people new and healthy organs, reverse diseases, and they also have multiple benefits.
There are many properties that make a stem cell special. Stem cells have the ability to divide and renew, especially for an extended period of time. These cells also …show more content…

For human development, stem cell research has major potential in both health and medical research. During life, when your cells divide and multiply, cancer and defects can happen. With understanding the development with normal cells, scientists will be able to treat the developmental errors that occur. Also, cell-based therapy has multiple advantages. Specialized cells can form cells and tissues for medical therapies and donated organs, and tissues can take place of damaged and dysfunctional organs. The number of people waiting for a transplant is greater than the number of available organs. Stem cells offer replacement cells to treat diseases and potentially reduce morbidity and mortality for the people waiting for a …show more content…

They hold an advantage over the other type of cells and are the freshest and youngest available. To avoid ethical debate about using embryonic stem cells, one should know that there is no destruction to the embryo. Cord blood stem cells do not have DNA mutations that other stem cells can develop over time. Also, stem cells from cord blood avoid graft versus host disease (GVHD). GVHD is a complication that follows a transplant and can be fatal or have mild to severe consequences. Positive findings state a cord blood transplant results in fewer symptoms of GVHD. There is an array of diseases that can be potentially treated. Stroke, heart disease, parkinson's disease as well as cancer, might be cured (Cord Blood Stem