Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

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Have you ever known someone who was affected flawed body parts or needed a transplant of either new tissue or organs? Twenty years ago, the chances of that person dying from that illness was very high. In today’s world, the use of stem cells can decrease most if not all of the risk. According to News In Health, doctors are using tissue engineering to “repair or replace worn-out tissues and organs with living, working parts.” News In Health believes that this would be able to help 120,000 of the people on the kidney, liver or other organ transplant lists. The process of stem cell research is vital for finding cures to many of today’s “terminal” or “incurable” diseases. When Barb Rivard was 25 years old, she was diagnosed with MS. MS, also called …show more content…

First off, is establishing a view; whether you approve or disapprove of the use of stem cells, there are still going to be used throughout the medical future. The best thing one can do is research to learn about the pros and cons of stem cells. Educating yourself is the best things because you are able to form opinions of your own as well as know what are the strongest arguments. Another thing that you can do to take action within the stem cell research field is be a tissue donor. Tissues collected are cord blood, embryos, eggs and sperm. The tissue is used in labs and tested to find different cures and treatments for medical illnesses. Something else that you can do to raise awareness about stem cell research is speaking up. This is a great way of correcting misconceptions that people have about the use of stem cell therapies. In today’s news, there is lots of stories such as Barb Rivard’s in the news. Sharing these stories on social media can allow people to not only see benefits but how it has benefitted people and bettered their quality of life. Stem cell research and therapies are on the rise due to the great benefits that it offers to people suffering with long-lasting