Stereotypes In Planet Fitness

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Grunting, Yelling, Clanking, metal meeting metal. The loud slamming of heavy weights screeching as if nails on a chalkboard. Sounds we have become accustomed to at a gym. Advertisements are all over the place, whether they are on T.V. or in a magazine, there is no way to escape them. They all have their target audience who they specifically designed the ad for. Planet Fitness utilizes stereotypes in its television commercials to label itself in a certain way. It first starts off with two types of people, one being a average looking person, and the other being a very athletic muscular person. Then its goes to the average person feeling intimidated and insecure. With that the average person starts telling a Planet Fitness employee their experience with other gyms replying with "We're not a gym. We're Planet Fitness" finishing off with what they offer. This ad persuades viewers to feel welcomed by Planet Fitness to portray …show more content…

A key factor to what makes these commercials so powerful is how relatable they are. At first glance you get a clear image of what's going on in the advertisement. A male or female surrounded by others with the stereo typically "perfect figure". Gawking at each other's reflection in the mirror, showing off their muscles almost acting like animals. While the person being surrounded by these intimidating human beings, begins to feel insecure almost like an outsider. Then comes Planet Fitness to save the day acting very welcoming and appreciative. The purpose of this is to make the audience feel sympathy for the male or female in that position. To make the audience feel scared of going to other gyms, because it could be someone watching that has never gone to any gym before and doesn’t know what the experience is like. This commercial uses pathos in a way to appeal to an audience of gym goers who have felt venerable from going to the