Story Of Joseph Vs Quran Essay

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The story of Joseph, while appearing in both The Bible and The Quran, has many differences between each book. One such difference is the mentioning of Satan in The Quran, but not in The Bible. Satan is mentioned whenever it seems like hardship may fall upon Joseph, whether this hardship be done by his own family or someone else. This gives light that it is not by God’s will that these hardships fall upon Joseph, but instead by a work of Satan that he has to go through these trials. Since The Bible never mentions these things, it is harder to tell why God would allow such a thing to happen.
The Quran also treats Jacob and Joseph much more reverently and akin to prophets than the Bible does. For example, in The Quran Jacob originally does not let Joseph go out with his brothers because he fears that a wolf would eat him while his brothers are not paying attention. It is only after Joseph’s brothers speak to their father that he lets them take Joseph with them. In The Bible, Jacob sends Joseph off alone to join his brothers in Shechem. Joseph does not even find his brothers there though, so he has to ask a man he met where his brothers had gone. Only after talking to the man does Joseph finally meet his brothers in Dothan. This makes Jacob seem far less concerned with Joseph than he is in the Quran, even …show more content…

In The Bible, Joseph simply tells them what their dreams mean. Yet in The Quran, before Joseph interprets the dreams, he tells them to reject their many gods and instead only worship Allah like he does. The Bible mentions repeatedly that the LORD is with Joseph, but Joseph never takes such a strong stance for God in The Bible’s version of the story as he does in The Quran. This make Joseph appear to be much more prophetic and devote to expressing the greatness of Allah than he is in The Bible, which would put him more in line with other