Strayer University Mission Statement

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This paper will discuss a publicly traded company, which is a company that has to issue securities through an IPO (Initial Republic Offering) and it has to be traded on at least one stock exchange or the over-the-counter market. Initially a small portion of the shares are shared amongst the public, but the entire process is necessary. When a company goes public, it allows the market to determine the value of the entire company through daily trading (Investopedia, 2017). However, if interested in finding out if a company is a publicly traded company, he/she can go to EDGAR, which is a free database provided by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission. It can be found on the following website: http://www.sec.gove/edgar.shtml. Strayer Education …show more content…

Strayer University offers their students not only a quality education, but the University also offers quality support programs that helps to set them apart from other online colleges (Strayer University, 2017). These are some of the ways that Strayer University offers their stakeholders quality in their brand, by having the following programs to offer. Strayer University allows their stakeholders to learn online or in class on a flexible schedule, so that the stakeholders may still learn even though they may have jobs, families or whatever their individual situations maybe. The stakeholders are offered success coaches to ensure that they have the help needed to succeed in college by getting help to balance their busy lives as they work towards completing their degree. Also, Strayer University offers the students/stakeholders educators bearing real life experiences that can deliver skills the students can use right away, and the students and alumni of Stayer help form professional networks and friendships as the students/stakeholder’s work towards completing their degrees (Strayer University, 2017). These would be a few of the reasons why Strayer University has been very successful in their mission to implement their vision and mission towards providing their services for their