Strengths And Weaknesses Of The National Defense System

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There are three different requirements that could possibly highlight assorted applications. The national defense system, the most concern is guaranteeing the confidentiality of top classified information. When transferring funds of any kind the fund system can require strong trustworthiness controls. I feel like there should be a quicker response when there is a breach in security. This could stop the use of private and important information. Time is of an essence in situations like this. A security policy is a concise statement, by those responsible for a system (e.g., senior management), of information values, protection responsibilities, and organizational commitment. The government should always remember the promises it made to our veterans at home, troops, and the ones that serve their families. Our troops that are overseen should always have …show more content…

Previously before the change, the Department of Defense was more than likely very close mouthed, and not friendly in the opinion of others. One of Open Sources goals is to be able to attain from the community but at the same time they should be able to share its knowledge with them. Instead of just working with certified vendors and themselves, they should become a strong part of the community, so there will be a larger sense of purpose in their goal of protecting order and peace. This would probably be the same in bigger companies. If we took a survey of which company they looked up to more, Microsoft or Google, I think that Google would most likely be the chosen one. The reason being is that Google provides plenty of different free software to the community. The community provides their feedback and data to give back to Google. A loyalty brand is set up by being open and giving to the community. Also when you are a part of the community, different companies like Microsoft or Google will become aware of what the wants and needs of users is a lot sooner than competitors that are