Stuart Little Research Paper

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Stuart Little is a mouse that was born into the Little’s family in New York City where he has an older brother George, parents, and a cat named Snowbell. Although Stuart Little is a mouse, he has humanlike characteristics and is described to be seven years old. However, Stuart is not seven years old just like a human. Instead, based on Stuart’s actions, he acts as if he was an older teenager. According to Freud’s Psychosexual stages, Stuart would be in the latency stage. Sigmund Freud was the person that created these five psychosexual stages and he believed that everyone must go through these stages in their lifetime before reaching adulthood. The latency stage is defined in the Hockenbury and Hockenbury textbook as being sexual impulses that are being repressed and putting forth that energy into other things such as school or work (Hockenbury & Hockenbury). Stuart possesses the dormant stage of latency by trying to help find his new friend Margalo and helping his family do little tasks that they are not able to do because of their size. …show more content…

According to Hockenbury and Hockenbury, in Erik Erikson’s theory, Stuart seems to be in the fifth stage which is ego identity versus role confusion. This stage in Erikson’s theory is where an individual does not yet know where their life is going or what they want to do with their future (Hockenbury & Hockenbury). Stuart possesses this stage since he is not set in what he is gonna do for his future. Instead, he lives every day at a time helping those around him, like becoming a substitute teacher when the superintendent could not find one, and does not have a future goal

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