Student Debt Essay

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Student debt is a tremendous debate topic between a range of people. Three groups specifically have different views on student debt; this includes debt averts, debt intermediates, and debt acceptors. These three groups are discussed in great detail through a study written by Desiree Zerquera, Brian McGowan, and Tomika Ferguson. Although the article is about how students deal with debt, I strongly agree with the fact that educators and practitioners should understand students better when it comes to the difficulty of student debt. I acknowledge this, but on the other hand, the article also should include a bigger sample size when doing the experiment and also add in how everyone deals with student debt in these three ways no matter the race, …show more content…

They did a study consisting of 31 undergraduates in college who had a viewpoint on student debt. Each student had their own opinion that showed their perspective on student debt and how they got influenced to have that view. Debt adverts were described as students wanting to avoid debt altogether by sacrificing comfort and living. Debt intermediates were students okay with some debt as long as it was the smallest amount possible. These students also would only accept some debt over others. The last group was called the debt acceptors. Debt acceptors find student debt to be a normal part of college. These students find all debt to be the same and will maintain comfort.
Zerguera, McGowan, and Ferguson say that students have influences on why they chose to go debt free or completely accept it. One of those influences is family and friends; for example, if they knew of someone close to them with debt problems, then they would presumably want to avoid debt altogether. Another main influence is the circumstances of that specific student’s life. These circumstances include: family, living situations, arrangements, and course