
Student Nurse Transition Report

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Your letter should address how you felt when you arrived at HMC and how you feel now having completed the program
Newly qualified nurses view the transition phase with mixed emotions of anxiety and excitement, the feelings and challenges experienced are specific to each person. When first coming into my role as a registered nurse, I could not help but feel insecure about my performance and knowledge. As a graduate nurse, there is a lack of confidence in your abilities that can make you question whether you are correct. New nurses often lack self-confidence and flexibility to respond to unexpected situations. As a result, some new graduates either ask too many questions, fearing that their actions are incorrect, or avoid asking questions entirely, …show more content…

The need for new graduates in the nursing field to achieve competency, autonomy, and confidence. To do this, the organizations have the responsibility to design well-structured strategies to develop the right kind of mentors who will play a vital part in the transition.
When I first started at Hershey Medical Center, I could not believe that I had come this far. The moment has finally come that I have been working towards for years now. I believe that the classes and orientation provided were meaningful and overwhelming at the same time. In the critical care classes, I was learning things that I could finally connect together that I observed in nursing school and only increased with the clinical aspects of orientation.

Whereas, role overload includes learning of new roles, difficulty with time management and prioritizing tasks. Also other stressors include the feeling of not being competent, encountering new procedures and situations, fear of making mistakes due to increased workload and working with experienced staff nurses that are unwilling to …show more content…

I have been able to apply my nursing knowledge and skills to real-world situations and work alongside experienced nurses and healthcare professionals.

Steep learning curve: Nursing is a complex profession that requires a vast amount of knowledge and skills. As a new nurse, you will need to learn new skills, procedures, and techniques, as well as medical terminology, medications, and equipment. You will also need to learn how to communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals.

High-pressure environment: Nursing can be a high-pressure environment, particularly in acute care settings such as hospitals. As a new nurse, you may feel overwhelmed by the pace and intensity of the work, the volume of patients, and the critical nature of their conditions. It can be challenging to manage your time, prioritize tasks, and stay calm under pressure.

Emotional toll: Nursing can be emotionally challenging, particularly when caring for patients who are seriously ill or dying. As a new nurse, you may be exposed to traumatic situations that can take a toll on your emotional well-being. You will need to learn how to cope with stress, practice self-care, and seek support when

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