
Students Should Be Mandatory For Every Year Of High School

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Physical education is a class that all schools offer that isn’t always mandatory for every grade level. P.E is such an important part of students education while in school because it teaches them to be active and engaged with their peers. P.E also promotes students to stay fit, shows students how to stay fit and healthy in their adult life, and boosts academic performance. That is why students should half to attend P.E every year of high school One reason that students should half to attend gym class every year of high school is because it keeps students healthy and fit. In the article class people states “ teaching children to stay fit and become fit is very important.” Also staying physically fit is very important for any and every person. Finally teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and establishing fitness routines now can help teens make exercise a priority as an adult. That is the first reason students should half to attend P.E classes every year of high school. Another reason students should half to participate in P.E classes every year of high school is it helps students learn how to become and stay physically fit into their adulthood. The article class people states “Children that make unhealthy choices that will follow them right into adulthood Obesity has become the most significant and …show more content…

For instance, in the article “If taught and led correctly, P.E. provides a path towards a healthy lifestyle, something that is more important than any single AP class.” Another article states “ states that physical education may actually increase academic performance.” Finally According to the elestoque, “physical activity also provides an excellent source for stress relief which can help students in the class.” As one can see physical education can bring students good academic grades and better work in

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