Writing Class Reflection

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Reviewing all of the writing assignments I have done in this class this far into the semester, I have noticed a few trends and habits I have acquired while writing. Thinking back on each assignment, and the time it took me to write each one, I have noticed that I write better at night time than during the day. Every single assignment I have turned in this semester has been done the night before the paper is due, in the middle of the night. Each time, I have stayed up all night writing which has resulted in a very exhausted version of myself the next day. At night it seems as if my brain works harder, the words for the paper come naturally and all I have to do is put pen to paper. Of course, some assignments are easier than others. The Literacy …show more content…

It was a personal statement

about how I learned to read, how I learned to write, and my thoughts about reading and writing. Writing a story already seems much easier than a research paper but writing about yourself makes it even easier. I went back and looked over this paper the other day and I noticed how it was formed and the style of writing I used, this paper was written in a much more relaxed tone and provided imagery for whomever read the paper. I had a friend read it as well and give feedback and he told me that it was a paper that didn’t seem academic, he said it was something people would enjoy reading because of the style and tone.

Comparing the Literacy Narrative to the Discourse Community Analysis and the Writing Research Paper showed a lot of differences. As previously mentioned, the tone of the Literacy Narrative was laid back and personal but with the latter two papers written the tone was more academic and informative. These two papers required more than just my own input, they required me to talk to people in the community or do some research. These two papers were much harder for me to write simply because they required more work. I used the same writing process for all three papers however, I needed a loud and comfortable environment and it had to be dark outside for me to complete the …show more content…

I have tried on multiple occasions to sit in the computer lab and write during the day, but I simply cannot stay focused long enough to get anything done. I think that the reasoning behind this is because there are just not as many distractions at night time, people are asleep and social media is not constantly updating and people are not texting and calling me to cause distractions. My mind is very scattered and a lot of times it takes me hours to get one single assignment done because I am very bad at staying focused, but at night time it is not even a