Substance Abuse Teaching Plan

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Substance Abuse in Young Adults The transition years to adulthood are a very crucial time in a person’s life. During this developmental period the use of alcohol and drugs are at their highest levels (cite). This causes the highest prevalence of substance use disorders to occur in young adults (cite). Substance abuse has the potential to effect anyone and a wide variety of people suffer from it. This makes it very difficult to identify who might be most at risk for struggling with substance abuse. It is imperative that young adults understand the repercussions of using drugs and alcohol for extended periods of time and how to be treated if substance abuse is something they struggle with in their life. I have created a teaching plan in order to educate young adults about the possible indicators of substance abuse and the negative effects that can come from it. My plan will help young adults comprehend the negative consequences of substance abuse, in order to allow them to make better decisions in the future and to avoid all situations in which they may be tempted to use alcohol or drugs. The goal of the plan is to present information on substance abuse in an effective and appropriate manner so that knowledge and …show more content…

So being able to develop a teaching plan is a very important skill for a nurse to have. In order to create the best teaching plan on substance abuse in young adults it would be optimal to get as many individuals as possible to participate in the questionnaire. CRAFFT and S2BI questionnaires will be used to determine the risk and use of substances that could potentially be abused. The information gathered from the answered questionnaires will then tailor the presentation that is to be given. The presentation will address specific issues from the results gathered and also cover more general topics about substance abuse as