Summary: Christian Worldview Of Human Resource Management

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The blossoming pressures of global competition, increased access to innovative technology, and dynamic business processes has made strategic management pivotal to a company’s ability to endure competitively and successfully (Blocher, Stout, Juras & Cokins, 2013). In the past several decades, it has been recognized that one of a company’s key resources for success are its human resources (Martocchio, 2015). In order for an organization to draw, inspire, and retain principal performers, compensation management must be equitable to all employees (Gómez-Mejía, Balkin, & Cardy, 2012). An organization can accomplish this through a Christian worldview in pay-for-performance, abiding by the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and Title VII of the Civil Rights …show more content…

The Christian worldview element that aids in this endeavor is that all people are deserving of honor and respect, as man was created in God’s image (Slick, n.d.). Title VII also protects against religious discrimination and requires that employers give reasonable accommodation to individuals with religious beliefs that in some way conflict with workplace rules (Mitchell, Koen, & Moore, 2013). This protection is extended to employees in both the public and private sector. The responsibility to accommodate employees falls on the employer and the obligation to accommodate is not only present once an employee requests an accommodation. Employers should accommodate if they know a conflict exists between the employee’s religious practices and job requirements (Mitchell et al., 2013). According to Galatians 3:28, it is our natural inclination to feel uncomfortable around people who are different from us and to gravitate toward those who are similar to us. Some Jewish male greeted each new day by praying, “Lord. I thank you that I am not a Gentile, a slave, or a woman.” Faith in Christ surpasses these differences and makes all believers one in Christ. Make sure you do not inflict dissimilarities that Christ has removed. All believers are his heirs; no one is more advantaged than or grander to anyone