Summary Of Cal Newport's Article Quit Social Media

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In The New York Times, article Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It. by Cal Newport claims, social media can hurt your career. I disagree with Newport, social media can actually promote careers in a positive way. Social media can promote products, it help a company choose the best candidate for job offers and it helps knowing what is the style/ trend in order to stay connect with the society members. Newport (2016) argues, social media does not bring connections like social media projects “First, interesting opportunities and useful connections are not as scarce as social media proponents claim.” ( P. 2) In his professional life he has been so successful, he was getting numeral offers. He had to even program his website so …show more content…

When I went did a job interview, I came in prepared as can be with proper resume, proper clothing, with a direct attitude. It was not how prepared I had been that got me the job but what research they did about me. The manager, Patrick wanted to know what kind of person I was in the outside world, he found me on facebook a social media app. What he learn was I am very involved with the community doing outside school activities on my free time. I am a leader for an Adventuring group that associates with the Boy Scouts of America, Volunteer my time to Gospel Rescue Mission and a community Christian church as a translator when assisting families with clothing and schools supplies. If it were not for social media Patrick would not know he was hiring a caring, honest, well brought up mature teenager. Social media is not engineered as a addictive device as Newport claims in his argument. I used social media daily but I am not compulsive, I have had my phone taken away many times and I have been able to continue on with my life. My phone is always near me, I take it to school, store, movies, church, and bed. Even then I mange to keep up with my task that are being asked of me. I am Vice President of Venturing Crew which is not easy, most of my everyday task for this crew is to continuously check in with my advisors on social media ( messenger). Messenger the Facebook Messaging app is the most productive my