Personal Statement: Why You Should Stay On Social Media

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Why you should stay on social media My mom emailed me the other day asking me to FaceTime her and when I did she she said she was missing her kids because my brother who was home for college break has been with friends and she hadn't heard from my other two brothers. She than said I should write about why people should leave social media, she said she heard on the news on the radio someone had left twitter and sworn off social media because of the negativity I immediately when on the defense of social media because although the internet is often a dangerous and negative space it can also be positive, uplifting and inspiring. For as long as I can remember I’ve been warned against social media. The problem with social media is two fold, firstly …show more content…

It's easy and it makes the your point compactly. When someone posts something that you support it is easy to celebrate and shout it off rooftops but when it’s something that you disagree with it is easy to express outrage and disbelief. I, myself am quite passionate and opinionated, even worse I am educated. I know how to engage with people on an intellectual level but when we become upset it is harder to stay rational and inquisitive. When someone posts an opinion and request positive comments only it creates a paradox because they are spreading their opinions without allowing others to express theirs. There are of course exceptions which I will get into later. If someone disagrees with you it is far better to talk with them and get to the bottom of their beliefs than to curse them out but it is far easier to curse them out than to spend the time arguing with someone you fundamentally disagree with. Offline if I heard someone say something that I fundamentally disagreed with I would confront them and many people take that same principle online. My social media pages have far to often been the backdrop for bitterness, contention and curses. I’ve been cursed out and others have cursed out on my behalf simply for either sharing their opinions or not even just sharing third party posts. I share my opinions on current events and allow others to do the same and because I have fallen victim to attacks on social media I tend not to dissent on other’s pages, instead I will like someone else’s oppositional comment or reply. We have learned that social media is not the place to have in depth conversations people want a platform to share their opinions without hearing others. I have tried a couple times to express an opposing opinion on someone else’s page and have lost