Enders Game by Orson Scott Cars is about a boy named Andrew "Ender" Wiggins. Ender is the youngest of three Genius Children in his family, and both Peter and Valentine have worn the same monitor that Ender wore. Though neither had the monitor for as long, and neither were selected to battle school. Battle School is the Military Run training facility the trains soldiers from the time they are children to be efficient and effective soldier for the international fleet. Enders success in being selected to train at battle school angers Peter, and upsets loving Valentine.
In this scene we can virtually see the whole fight happening between Ender and Bonzo. We can see that Bonzo tried to round house Ender but changes directions into a leap. Ender predicts the movement, goes in closer to Bonzo and ends up getting slapped on the back. As Bonzo tried to grip Ender, Ender lunges at Bonzo, causing Ender 's head to smack against Bonzo face that kills him.
Like Ender, they are shocked to find out that he has been fighting the enemy the whole time and he ultimately wins the war. When they are done reading they can take away one idea from the story, never give up because you do not know how close to the end you really are. The reader learns this lesson through Enders thoughts as he faces the decision to give up or keep playing the game. If Ender would have given up the story would have changed, and perhaps it would have been Enders planet that gets disintegrated, and the ending of the story would be
Chapter14 “Enders Teacher” Chapter Summary In this chapter Ender arrives at the Command School. Where he meets his new teacher Mazor Rackham. Mazor tells Ender how we went away for a while so he can be alive to teach the commander for the Third Invasion. Ender begins training with the simulations and then begins training to command a whole fleet.
This chapter reminds me of how I used to handle problem in real life like Ender that trying to defense myself but sometimes I accidentally hurting someone that even I don’t realize it, like how Ender defense himself so that the problem will not occurs again but he ended up hurting someone in order for his goal to occurs. I dislike this chapter because of how it’s like a set up that was planned by the teachers, that’s why when they fight together in the bathroom teachers was there to help Ender, but they just comes in when the fight was almost over and that Bonzo is injured. “Now the teachers would come. The medical staff. To dress the wounds of Ender’s enemy.
The Manipulation of Ender The book, Ender’s Game, is a book full of interesting events. A six year old boy named Ender Wiggin goes to Battle School, where he is continually tested and trained to become an elite commander. He succeeds at Battle School and eventually goes to Command School, where he leads his army to victory over the bugger troops. Because of this, the world is safe from being destroyed by the buggers. Even though Ender and his fleet are successful in defeating the buggers, Ender’s intelligence and skill is taken advantage of throughout the book.
In the book, it is made completely clear that the system of both the Battle School and Command School are breaking Ender down, ultimately demonstrated by Ender being completely bedridden after the Third Invasion due to everything he’s endured. This also happens with the movie’s presentation of the characters, with more characters being sympathetic to Ender. This completely overrides a plot point in the book,
After he destroys the alien species, he is told that it was all real and he breaks down. The valuable lessons that Ender learns from this victory helped make the book such a successful one that won
"…she squeezed his knee…where he had always been most ticklish. But almost at the same moment, he caught her wrist in his hand. His grip was very strong, even though his hands were smaller than hers and his own arms were slender and tight. For a moment he looked dangerous; then he relaxed." () Unknowingly Ender has surrendered to the virtuous boy he once was in exchange for the arduous adolescent he is now, confirming what the Battle School destined him to become.
9. Ender is promoted to commander of the Dragon Army, an army with a superstitious record of losing ⅓ of all its battles. Ender is not allowed to trade any person and is given an entire army that knows little to nothing. Except for one kid named Bean, Bean is like Ender very intelligent and quick, but he is extremely cocky. During, practice Ender singles him out like Colonel Graff did to him.
After going into space for battle training, he becomes isolated from the other students immedetaly. Ender overcoming challenges finally begins to be accepted by the other students, only to be transferred and isolated again.
Without the bugger war, Ender would not have been born, and he realizes this fact. Interestingly enough, the reader never directly see’s the war against the buggers. The only war ever seen directly is the other war that Ender fights every day – the war against the teachers games, against the other kids, against his fear of becoming his brother, against the instinct that drives Ender to hurt other people. Ender’s entire life is made up of these little battles. Ender finds his identity in the battles that he fights and the challenges that he over comes.
Anyone can be defeated at one point in their lives. Even people that think that they are invincible, can shatter at some point; that also includes Santiago. Towards the end of The Old Man and the Sea, when Santiago returns home, he is very upset about losing the Marlin. He began to realize that he was going to be defeated after he lost his harpoon and he saw more sharks coming. Then when he finally gets back to the shore; all he had was the skeleton of the marlin that he took four days to catch and bring back.
In Chapter 14 Ender and his friends were to believe their final evaluation is the last test and game before they go to battle against the buggers for real. But Ender and his companions believed these stimulators were just games they were playing against fake enemies. Not until they have succeeded their final test did General Graff and Mazer Rackham explain that these games they were playing were actually the real deal. I believe that the Command School authorities were justified on how they handled Ender’s and his peers final evaluation because sometimes lying and keeping the truth away from somebody for the good of humanity is worth the mistake that has been done. Without tricking Ender and his friends they would not take any necessary risks to battle
1. V.C.1. Identify styles and types of verbal communication What are the two types of verbal communication? Explain each and describe what methods can be used to deliver a verbal message.