Summary Of Incarceration

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The “Clang of Incarceration” is the first thing an officer hears when he or she come to work on the George Beto Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as the front gate closes behind them. It can be a sound of trepidation when an officer is starting their day as they enter the sally port that are two gates to get inside the unit. Plastered on the walls of the unit are the core values of the agency; Perseverance, Integrity, Courage and Commitment in solid black letters as if they are screaming the words. The words are a sign of encouragement when the officers go into this type of negative atmosphere but most of the TDCJ officers absolutely love the job they do. Opening the front doors of the unit can consequently be a tease from the …show more content…

The officers in the Officer Dining Room are engaged in different conversations; frequently they are ranting and raving of their dealings from their previous day. The opening statement for the shift is always a monotonous greeting of some kind but the briefing is imbedded with the integrity that the agency expects of the officers. The room holding the briefing also has the core values listed in daring expressive script to remind the officers as they attend and listen to the upcoming day’s expectations. With courage and commitment, they all rise up together after the roll call and go embark upon the daily struggles of the institution. At the end of the intensive day the officers walk back through the front office and the feeling of relief overwhelms one’s mood. Everyone feels blessed that no one was harmed in any way and everyone carries a sensation of accomplishment. The values are there ringing in the back of their minds as they walk towards the front gates. There is a collective sigh of relief as every officer retraces their steps through the sally port gates to hear the final “Clang of Incarceration” resonating on the evening