
Summary Of The Mecca Trade And The Rise Of Islam

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In her highly controversial book "The Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam " , Patricia Crone has put forward a lot of arguments about the rise of Islam and its connections with Mecca. Her work is extensively documented . She presents a devastating critique of the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad . She argues that Muhammad's self-unveiling was just a response to a social and moral crisis of the citizens of mecca kindled by the trade they were engaged in .Crone has tried to give a picture of the transportation of goods around Arabia in different parts of her book, but the existence of trade and different transportation means have been both acknowledged and denied in various sections and the whole book does not afford a definitive picture .She has tried to teach the unlearnt about the subject as she puts it , "little has been learnt and much unlearnt ". …show more content…

But, if it were so important a city even before Islam, as the tradition implies, it is reasonable to assume that some mention of it would have been found in ancient sources; but nothing has been found outside of the small and unclear reference by Ptolemy 500 years earlier and much later in some

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