Summary Of The Novel 'Wool Pooh' By Christopher Paul Curtis

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In today’s society, it is common for families to be understanding of one another. This is seenin the historical fiction novel, The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963, by Christopher Paul Curtis when the family travels down to Birmingham, Alabama from Flint, MIchigan. Later on during their stay, the Watsons were horrified to find out that the church Joey went to was bombed. Throughout the novel, Curtis uses a variety of symbols to convey a theme of family brings unity. Curtis uses the ‘Wool Pooh’ to represent fear of family loss. The ‘Wool Pooh’, an imaginative monster, was seen by Kenny twice and both times were when one of the Watson family members could’ve died. When drowning, Kenny encounters a monster, the ‘Wool Pooh’ and describes, “When