Summary Of The Struggles Of Being A Woman In Police Services By Marie Inagabire

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Critique of Marie Ingabire’s “The Struggle of Being a Woman in Police Services”
In Marie Ingabire’s paper “The Struggle of Being a Woman in Police Services”, they examine Elizabeth McSheffrey’s article “Inquest into death of Vancouver police officer Nicole Chan…”. Inagabire discusses Nicole Chan’s devastating suicide and how the discrimination she faced as a woman in policing led up to the tragedy. They focus on issues of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. It was concluded that discrimination against women would always be a recurring issue within the police force. Ingabire’s work is well researched, however there are tools that can help to make the field more inclusive.
I think the author correctly identified the main human resource …show more content…

While i dont think that women and men will ever be equal in the police force, I wish the author mentioned the practices and regulations that can be put into place to minimize that gap. Increasing the percentage of women in the police force will aid to reduce the level of discrimination. To increase the amount of females in the field, Canadian police departments can create campaigns specifically made to recruit women. The campaigns can focus on sharing the benefits of working in law enforcement. Minimizing discrimination towards women can also be done by requiring each staff member to take part in bias training. The training will help others to become aware of their own biases and prejudices. The training should teach what a bias is, how to recognize their own biases, and the effect of their biases on others. Topics that are included should be gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. To make women feel more comfortable in the workplace, strict harassment policies need to be implemented in each police department. These policies should be discussed with employees often and should be clear for employees to understand. Employees need to be aware that their actions will have repercussions. Lastly, to make women feel more comfortable in the police force, “Police departments can offer mentorship programs that pair female recruits with experienced female officers. This can provide support and guidance to female recruits as they navigate the challenges of a male-dominated

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