Summary Of Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe

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In reference to the novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, the entire conversation that took place between both Mr and Mrs Bird revolves around the issue of humanity, in which, Mr Bird believes one shall be bound to follow the law of the state, regardless as to whether, it is evil or not, however Mrs Bird on the other hand, believes and argues, one shall not be bound by the law of the state, upon which, to add further, if it results in an inhuman act, since she is more fond to act in accordance to the guidance provided in the Bible. In regards to Thomas Aquinas theory on just and unjust laws, he believes that law is created for the purpose of common good and must have and end or goal. He stated further that the law has to be made by someone who cares for the community as a whole and has the power to influence others in order to obey and follow the law created. Such a law created should be acknowledged to the nation by way of promulgation. Thus, as a whole, he asserted that, those are the necessary conditions which are sufficient to be fulfilled, failure which, may result in an act of violence not as a law. He opines that one is bound to act lawfully by way of necessary promulgation. He laid down that, the law can be …show more content…

He asserted further in his Commentary of the Politics, that, it is necessary to have some form of natural slavery in order for the natural slave to survive. Thomas Aquinas generalized his assertion by quoting a passage made by Vegetius’ De Re Militari, and used it in order to support his assertion, and further believes that it is an undeniable fact that in regards to the existence of some form of slavery, it exists in the manner which based is on intelligence, or at least based on