Supported Learning Reflection Paper

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There were a few ways that my instruction supported learning for the whole class and those students who needs greater support. One thing I did for my students was in my first video clip at 0:35. I modeled the bucketing activity that I was having my students do. This way they have a better understanding of the activity. This will benefit them more than me just reading them the instructions. I provided them with an example for each of the readings and my own final thoughts using those readings as evidence to support it. Another time my instruction supported my students learning was at 1:30 in the first video clip. That was when I read the first paragraph of the primary source with them. Then we went over that paragraph as a class to show every …show more content…

One final way my instruction supported the learning of my students happened at 0:08 in the second video clip. Here I had my students get into groups to discuss their final thoughts and use the evidence from their sources to support them. I believe that this helped those students who need greater support and those who need more of a challenge. This helps those students who need more help because if they didn’t finish for did quite understand what to do their partner can help them fully understand what I was asking of them. Sometimes talking with someone and hearing what they did can help these students. I also believe this partner activity helped those students who need better challenges. It’s one thing to write down your thoughts and evidence to support them but it’s a whole other thing to express them to someone. It is much more difficult to share your thoughts and evidence with another person because they might think a different way. Verbally expressing these thoughts and using the evidence to support it will help my students understand how to argue their thoughts even better. I actually did change something from my