Sustainable Purchasing Policy Paper

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The City of Edmonton decided to adopt a Sustainable purchasing policy when officials decided that it was time they looked beyond just cost-effective transactions within their procurement practices and also consider the environmental and social improvements in order to maximize on their benefits on a local and a global level. For any economy, it is important to conduct business in an ethical and sustainable manner.
In both the public and private sector, sustainability is a key component and is the means of purchasing goods and services while taking into account the impact it has on people and communities while still bringing value. Sustainability will help in reducing waste, protects the ecosystem, supports fair trade businesses and SMEs. It …show more content…

One way to do this is by preserving people values of demonstrating respect, fairness and courtesy with everyone. These values as dictated by the federal government very much apply even within the private sector. For suppliers to provide goods and services upto standards, these values need to be upheld and not be compromised on. The SCC and Sustainable Purchasing Policy only helps to reiterate that they are an essential part of doing business. The City of Edmonton sets an example for organizations to have their own sustainability programs as well to reduce gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and use more renewable resources within their supply chains.
Respect for democracy: The enactment of the SCC helps to respect the federal laws and carry out duties in an ethical manner to remain fair and impartial with suppliers during the procurement process and the manufacturing/delivery of goods and services. This also entails ensuring adherence with laws regarding health and safety and fair labor practices/human rights. Overall, these policies help to advance a corporate culture that places importance on …show more content…

Therefore, when organizations are negotiating with customers, both within the public or the private sector, they need to be conscious of the impact they have on the ecosystem and human health. Since the City of Edmonton has these policies in place already, these efforts force suppliers to adhere to them thus supporting fair competition and maintaining good health amongst the