
Swift Grass Cutter Case

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Many companies claim their quality is superior to their competitors, but how many companies back these claims with legitimate sources or data? In order to gain validity, or even to determine a company’s strong suits, many companies use a tool called a SWOT analysis, or an analysis of a company’s internal strengths and weaknesses alongside their external opportunities and threats. Recently, a rising lawn care company named Swift Grass Cutter conducted a SWOT analysis to determine how they compare to others in the industry. Swift Grass Cutter has a variety of strengths which help excel the company above others in the industry. For one, while most lawn care services offer their services for a high price range, often $40-$45, Swift Grass Cutter offers services for $25. This helps incentivize potential customers due to the price and demand …show more content…

When comparing the company’s pricing to other lawn care services, the price difference is around $20. As mentioned earlier, when price is high, demand will fall. Since the company’s competitors sell $45+ services, the demand will be lower when compared to the demand of a similar service in the $25 price range. As a result, Swift Grass Cutter has access to an immediate customer base of consumers who do not wish to pay for the higher price range. Due to an expansive customer basis, there will be more customers to spread word about their lawn care service. One of Swift Grass Cutter’s practices involves placing a sign stating how they did the service for the lawn, and more customers leads to more signs, which in turn bring in more customers. While gaining customers, potential employees may notice the company’s advertising. More heads working together leads to more inventive ideas. In addition, expansion can lead to a bigger market share, which would boost Swift Grass Cutter above

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