Swot Analysis Of Espresso Coffee

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• Highlight values and objectives of the company in accordance with company’s strategic plan:
-Securing three-year objective of being the number one volume importer in the market for imported espresso coffee machines.
-Profit margin growth of 5% in the next three years and increasing profit
-Reduce in Zietel carbon footprint by 10% within the next three years.
-To provide coffee machines, which are within expectation of cafes and restaurants’ efficiency, reliability and sustainability
-To maintain a constant growth in profits and market share. The management is also committed in increasing long-term shareholder value
-To maintain the ethical standards and promote high standards of code of conduct, honesty, integrity, fairness, and respect
-Provide customers with high quality products, extraordinary service and a competitive price

• Link organizational objectives, values and standards:
-Move majority of Zietel import or export base to Sydney
-Opening up new office in Sydney as Sydney market is the largest market for coffee machines in Australia
-Savings on transport costs, bulk purchasing and the efficiencies in client machine maintenance after moving office
-Through voluntary exchange with customers and recognizes that profits are essential to create capital growth, prosperity, opportunity and job satisfaction and security
-Innovative efficiencies in the imported machines and less interstate transport costs for staff and machines
-Creating a team of encouraged, motivated

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