Tabet's Argumentative Analysis

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“Reproduction becomes the pivot of all relations between the sexes and all sexual relations; not as a biological fact, but as a system of control and manipulation of all female individuals.”(Tabet 145) Unequivocally, the basis of most relations between heterosexual people is reproductive. (Interestingly, the faction of society that actually exists sexually outside of reproduction (the homosexual population) is cited, but not deeply discussed by Tabet.) However, this prevailing male-female relationship criticized by Tabet as being unnaturally imposed is very possibly natural. Social imposition and manipulation are methods to meet biological agendas. The dissociation of natural sexuality from reproduction she finds to be socially dictated could actually be a natural, biologically driven response to prevent “natural sexuality” from limiting or halting reproductive efficacy. After all, sexuality is biology’s way …show more content…

She recognizes, especially with the pervasive influence of capitalism in later centuries, the economization of fertility and the transformation of women’s reproduction into an object of exchange. Towards the conclusion of her argument, Tabet incorporates even further the effects of a capitalist-driven society on the depiction of women as workers and effective members of society. Here, there is certainly a marked validity in her belief that the social structure has impinged upon the freedom of women and on the value of their reproduction. Yet, at it’s most basic level, capitalism, in it’s relationship to women and their subjugation, is still a means (albeit, much more expansive and complex one) of fulfilling the same basic biological imperatives of past eras: find a medium through which you can continue to monitor reproduction, ensure it’s efficacy, and economize it to ensure