Taking A Closer Look At Dr. John Willard's Water

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Who is Dr John Willard? About Forty years ago, Dr. John Willard, a brilliant scientist and a chemistry professor at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, made a miraculous discovery when he was in the process of conducting research on a highly concentrated trace mineral water. Dr. Willard was working on his trace mineral water when “through the grace of God,” as described by Dr. Willard, he had an inspiration to combine his trace mineral water with another product he’d been developing. With his inspired genius combination, he had invented a complex formula that alters the molecular structure of normal water to create a new form of activated water with extraordinary properties. Dr. Willard first named his amazing discovery Catalyst …show more content…

Willard’s Water has even been the subject of a hearing before the U.S. Congress as well as being on the CBS network program 60 minutes segment. Regardless of the source they all agree that Dr. Willard’s invention is a truly amazing and a safe product! What is Willard water? Willard Water is electrically charged water by the addition of the micelle catalyst, which is an extremely small, very high energy particle with a powerful negative magnetic field. Willard water and ordinary water both consists of H2O molecules, however, when micelle is added to ordinary water, it causes a change in the “ordinary” water molecules that is similar to the difference between diamonds and graphite, both being made of carbon but with differing molecular structures, and that differing molecular structure makes all the difference. This new water molecule structure serves as a catalyst that seems to accelerate and enhance the body’s natural processes. A simple way of explaining this is to say that Willard Water is a more efficient and reactive form of …show more content…

It is the electrical charges of the micelle particles that actually break the tetrahedral bond, which helps to reduce its surface tension and cause the water to restructure into a more bioavailable form. Additionally, it is also these charges that are used by the individual cells of our body to raise our biomagnetic energy levels. Just keep in mind and understand that Willard Water is not a nutrient, rather it is a vehicle by which nutrients are carried throughout the body’s cells, and by which waste is carried away from the cells with water as a means of transportation, so we get more out of our foods and any nutritional supplements we take. Willard water is a very concentrated liquid. In fact, a one-ounce will optimize a full gallon of water. When this liquid concentrate is mixed with filtered water in the correct proportion, the resulting drinkable water can offer many amazing health

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